A-Z Index ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 AA Statement On Systemic Racism And Racial InjusticeA-Z IndexAcademicsApplyBBlankBlogCCareer OpportunitiesCatherine J. AndersenCertified Nutrition SpecialistsChristopher N. Blesso, Ph.D.Clinton Mathias, Ph.D.ContactDDegrees OfferedDidactic Program In Dietetics (DPD) TrackEExpedited BS/MS Program (4+1 Program)FFacilities And EquipmentFacultyFaculty ResearchFood And Health Sciences TrackFormGGet InvolvedGraduateGraduate AdmissionsGraduate CoursesGraduate Student ResourcesGraduate StudentsHHedley C. FreakeHomeIInternship And Job OpportunitiesJJennifer B. Fields, Ph.D.Ji-Young Lee, Ph.D., FAHA, FACNLLifestyle Medicine Interest GroupLoneke Blackman Carr, Ph.D., RDMMaria-Luz Fernandez, Ph.D.Metabolic Phenotyping FacilityMichael J. Puglisi, Ph.D., RDMingyu Qiao, Ph.D.MinorsNNancy R. Rodriguez, Ph.D., RD, FACSMNUSC AlumniNUSC Seminar SeriesOOck K. Chun, Ph.D., MPHOnline MS In Personalized NutritionOnline MS In Personalized Nutrition Request For InformationOur TeamOur Vision And MissionOutreachPPre-Med & Pre-HealthPre-Medical Profession TrackPre-PTProfessional ResourcesProspective StudentsRResearchResearch OpportunitiesResearch TopicsSSample PageSangyong Choi, Ph.D.Scholarships And AwardsStaff And PostdocStrategic PlanStudy EmphasisStudy RecruitmentSung I. Koo, Ph.D.TThe UConn Nutrition ClubUUConn Pre-College SummerUndergraduateUndergraduate CoursesUndergraduate Programs OverviewWWelcome To NUSCWhy Give To NUSC At UConnYYangchao Luo, Ph.D.ZZhenlei Xiao