NUSC Seminar Series

Spring 2025

Seminar Series will be held on Fridays from 11:10 am-12:10 pm in Jones 219. Refreshments will be served from 10:45 am. The seminar may be joined virtually via this Webex link. There are more options to join down below.

Date Speaker and Topic
Jan 31 Dr. Breno Fragomeni, Assistant Professor, Department of Animal Science, UConn: Genome-Wide association studies and Multi-Omics system biology approach to unravel complex traits
Feb 7 Dr. Zhichao Fan, Assistant Professor, Department of Immunology, UConn Health: CFTR dictates monocyte adhesion by facilitating integrin clustering but not activation
Feb 14 Dr. Hea Jin Park, Associate Professor, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Georgia: Perinatal docosahexaenoic acids supplementation and gut-brain health of offspring
Feb 21 Dr. Cameron Faustman, Professor Emeritus, Department of Animal Science, UConn: Contemplating Your Future: Key Skills and Insights for Achieving Success
Feb 28 Dea Ziso, NUSC Graduate Student: Why Mothers and Women Without Children Face Different Barriers to Physical Activity
Mar 7 Dr. Hunmin Mike Jung, Assistant Professor, School of Pharmacy, UConn: Targeting DNA Lesion Bypass to Develop Novel Therapeutics
Mar 14 Dr. Teresita Padilla-Benavides, Assistant Professor, Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Wesleyan University: Molecular roles of micronutrients like copper in transcriptional regulation in skeletal muscle differentiation and metal homeostasis
Mar 21 Spring Break, No Seminar
Mar 28 Nicholas Kuhlman, NUSC Graduate Student: Exploring the Role of Collagen Peptides in Sport Science and Performance
Apr 4 Dr. Jacob Earp, Assistant Professor, Department of Kinesiology, UConn: Factors Contributing to Fat Redistribution & Implications for Targeted Interventions
Apr 11 Dr. Moises Torres-Gonzalez, Vice President of Nutrition Research, National Dairy Council: Whole Milk Dairy Foods and Cardiometabolic Health: The Current Scientific Landscape
Apr 18 Muyao Du, NUSC Graduate Student: Bacterial Cellulose: Biosynthesis and Novel Cultivation Strategies for Functional Material Development
Apr 25 Hayoung Woo, NUSC Graduate Student: Sirtuins and Alcohol-Induced Liver Injury
May 2 Dr. Namanjeet Ahluwalia, Nutrition Monitoring Advisor and Associate Director for Science (acting) for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): NHANES journey through last five decades to the present: Impact and updates
May 9 Suyun Choi, NUSC Graduate Student: Phytic Acid as a metabolic precursor and mineral inhibitor

Webex Information:

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Meeting number (access code): 2633 612 6898
Meeting password: NUSC